Tuesday, March 8, 2016
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Well well well… I am impressed! A LOT!!! THIS IS SO GOOD! *thumbs up*
*MC’s Corner*
Note: Spoilers.
• I actually reread the first couple of chapters before really liking it. I’m so glad I reread it. I think the first time I read it was the time I was so groggy from the lack of sleep… LOL. I mean I was actually looking for a book that will put me to sleep. I was reading Night Speed chapter 2 or 3 when I fell asleep. So what I am really saying is reading night Speed requires a lot of attention. *grin* DON’T READ IT WHEN YOU’RE SLEEPY.
• I chose to read this book mainly because the author (as far as I know) is a guy. Sorry! But it’s true; HarperCollins ARC written by male are majority of the book that did not disappoint me for every catalog. Aaaand male authors usually don’t over romanticized YA books. Sometimes they lacked romance but that’s okay. Chris Howard nailed this thing! I love it!
• I also love the way the story went. I thought the story is going to the way I expected it but it went to another way without breaking the excitement I felt. Chris Howards gives constant great scenes.
• The backdrop though… it was good but I think it needs to have a specific timeline. I don’t mind that it doesn’t have one, but it’s better if it has I think.
It feels current but with this ‘secret organization thingy that is not so secret’ it’s a bit hard to find its place.
Lana/Alana – Honestly, at first I was a bit thrown off guard when I realized that the protagonist is a female. (Sexist me much, I know. But I’m really not.) I think she’s cool. I felt her sadness, especially when she talks/thinks about her younger brother. Then when she’s excited and scared, I felt like I was in her place while reading Night Speed. What happened to her in the story is mind blowing in a way. Her transition from a ‘law enforcer’ catching criminals then to be a criminal. GOSH! I THINK I SAID TO MUCH! #SPOILER
Ethan – lets just say that he is one of the ‘criminals’ and he and Lana became close. *grin*
Trevor – I KNEW IT! GRRR!!! IEFFING KNEW IT! IT WAS YOU! WAAAH!!! *banging my head on the table*
• I am not a big fan of the cover… I love that ‘WHAT DOESN’T KILL YOU MAKES YOU FASTER’
ARC provided by in exchange of honest review. Thank you!
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