Tuesday, March 8, 2016
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Daaaaaaaaaaamn that was looooong.
*MC’s Corner*
Note: Spoilers.
• I don’t know about the cover… its creeps the hell out of me. I love Kreed Sinacola, but the way I picture him is scary big teddy bear.
• I have to be honest so here we go… Aaron secret was just a big disappointment. I’m sorry. I felt like it was just added there for the sake of having the story longer than it should be. I can forget that thing, there so many good things so yeah… I will pretend that part is not a [part of the story. (Because it’s really not.)
• Frankly I actually never cared about their mission, I wanted to skip them–don’t worry, I did not–I just wanted those Kreed & Aaron parts. Love the chemistry between the two of them.
• Let’s talk about Kreed Sinacola… damn! That man is so hot! I just love being inside his head. He’s so sweeeet–super sweet– and loving I’m kinda jealous of Aaaron–lucky SOB. I just want to kiss, hug and do the dirstiest things that he wants to do with me. *evil laugh* I can’t believe I wrote that.
• I’m kinda sad that this is the last book of the series. But it ended with a good story so… JOB WELL DONE!
• Dear Kindle Alexander,
I wish you’ll write a series with just two or three main characters…
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Well well well… I am impressed! A LOT!!! THIS IS SO GOOD! *thumbs up*
*MC’s Corner*
Note: Spoilers.
• I actually reread the first couple of chapters before really liking it. I’m so glad I reread it. I think the first time I read it was the time I was so groggy from the lack of sleep… LOL. I mean I was actually looking for a book that will put me to sleep. I was reading Night Speed chapter 2 or 3 when I fell asleep. So what I am really saying is reading night Speed requires a lot of attention. *grin* DON’T READ IT WHEN YOU’RE SLEEPY.
• I chose to read this book mainly because the author (as far as I know) is a guy. Sorry! But it’s true; HarperCollins ARC written by male are majority of the book that did not disappoint me for every catalog. Aaaand male authors usually don’t over romanticized YA books. Sometimes they lacked romance but that’s okay. Chris Howard nailed this thing! I love it!
• I also love the way the story went. I thought the story is going to the way I expected it but it went to another way without breaking the excitement I felt. Chris Howards gives constant great scenes.
• The backdrop though… it was good but I think it needs to have a specific timeline. I don’t mind that it doesn’t have one, but it’s better if it has I think.
It feels current but with this ‘secret organization thingy that is not so secret’ it’s a bit hard to find its place.
Lana/Alana – Honestly, at first I was a bit thrown off guard when I realized that the protagonist is a female. (Sexist me much, I know. But I’m really not.) I think she’s cool. I felt her sadness, especially when she talks/thinks about her younger brother. Then when she’s excited and scared, I felt like I was in her place while reading Night Speed. What happened to her in the story is mind blowing in a way. Her transition from a ‘law enforcer’ catching criminals then to be a criminal. GOSH! I THINK I SAID TO MUCH! #SPOILER
Ethan – lets just say that he is one of the ‘criminals’ and he and Lana became close. *grin*
Trevor – I KNEW IT! GRRR!!! IEFFING KNEW IT! IT WAS YOU! WAAAH!!! *banging my head on the table*
• I am not a big fan of the cover… I love that ‘WHAT DOESN’T KILL YOU MAKES YOU FASTER’
ARC provided by in exchange of honest review. Thank you!
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I’ve been waiting for this book since like for-ev-er. Thank God!!!
Thank You so so much CS Pacat! Thank you so much with this beautiful and absolutely fascinating love story! I say all the waiting I’ve endured is worth it!
I’ve been a big fan of the ‘love story’ of Damen & Laurent since the first time I read their story!
I even re-read the first and second book before I read this. You know what? They are still my #1 M-M books favorite couple. I don’t know exactly why that is. But I know that no other fictional gay couple beats this two’s chemistry. *grin* *fanning my face*
*MC’s Corner*
Note: Spoilers.
• Kings Rising is the most HOTTEST, SEXIEST AND JUCIEST book of this series.
I actually remember my request on my review of the second book years ago… I said that I want more Damen and Laurent SEXy scenes. CS Pacat delivers, yes she did!
Daaaaamnnn! *fanning my face again*
SO HOT! It is kinda hard to sit… if you know what I mean. There are also these annoying–not really–butterflies that kept on fluttering in my belly, no kidding. *phew* *wiping the sweat off my face*
• I really love that the title is ‘Kings Rising’… in a way, I think, says it all and it’s just makes you more excited reading it. *thumbs up*
• I love the way the story ended. No gripes and everything. But I have to admit honestly that I was left wanting more. I mean I kinda don’t want to figure out their future in my head. I don’t feel that their story is unfinished I just really want more.
For all the things that happened to this two I think they deserves to have a novella or a full-length book that doesn’t have that much problems. Maybe just the two of them. Besides… they were not crowned yet… right? I kinda want to see that too. AND–too many ands, I know–I still don’t know who will they be together while ruling two different kingdoms.
o DAMIANOS (Damen) – SO DARN HOT AND SEXY AND YUMMY. I wish he’s mine. *sigh* Lucky Laurent. He’s also very caring and loving. *sigh again*
o LAURENT – I envy you. *LOL*
This guy is evil, without a question. But you also got to love his wickedness.
There are some part of this book with Laurent’s POV I kinda wish there’s more. (Why? Because I want more!)
How do I pronounce his name? Is it the same as Saint-Laurent?
• This is a story like no other. Not because it involves two guys but in a way, I think, it is a book for everyone (exclude young ones). I think female reader will read this and some guys… well the open minded ones. I recommend it to everyone. READ THIS! You won’t regret it.
• I honestly will reread this whole thing soon.
There’s only few series that I reread, not even 10 series. So yeah.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have no idea that this book was published years ago… *grin*
I really thought it was a new series.
HarperCollins gave me an ARC so I didn’t bother checking goodreads… so yeah… I’ve written this review after I finished QoH.
It was the “Evil is rising in Wonderland” that got me honestly.
I love the story. It was nothing I’ve ever read… I think its genius to pick the Queen of Hearts not Alice like other writing usually do. *thumbs up*
I wish it was longer.
I’m kinda excited to read the next one.
*MC’s Corner*
Note: Spoilers.
• I hate the cover… SORRY! The girl there is soooo freaking creepy. The idea is fun and pretty cool, its just the girl there…
• I really like that it isn’t a total retelling of a classical book. It’s not the same story as the Alice in the Wonderland and there’s no girl that named liked Alice or even a descendant or something. It was totally different but the vibe and everything it is there. It’s about The Queen… but not really her. It was really good! I recommend it to everyone!
• The story is really great… but if you’re looking for a bit of a romance… well it kinda fell flat there. It’s not a romance book… but there’s a love interest so… yeah.
• The fantasy of it is stellar. I was completely into it. It was absolutely believable. *grin*
I wish there’s a map though.
• Since it was short, this book is perfect for those on a long drive, long fight etc. I guarantee you boring is not how you will describe this book.
ARC provided by HarperTeen (HarperCollins Publishers) & Edelweiss in exchange of honest review. Thank you!
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
It started great and ended great! I can’t wait for the next one.
*MC’s Corner*
Note: Spoilers.
• DUST - Department of Unexplained Supernatural Terrorism
Daaamn… their headquarters… let’s just say it’s one of a kind! Ha!
Where can I sign up? I wanna join.
• This thing kinda reminded me of DEO on SUPERGIRL. The only difference is that they fight alien there and Dagger fights supernatural ‘elements’. So yeah.
• I love that Dagger is still on school and having his ‘life’ there. It was separated to his supernatural ‘life’. I think that balance everything.
• I’m just sad that … did that. WHY? What an A-HOLE. Sticking his nose on other people’s business. Now look what happened. *shaking my head*
I really hate betrayals! It makes my heart ache, literally, for the one being betrayed. So sad.
• I think the concept of young guy fighting supernatural forces is not original. But Steven dos Santos added some elements that make this one unique and I really love what he did. Good job!
• I think a few months or a year after now I still remember the story. I don’t need to re-read the whole thing before reading the second book. It’s pretty memorable.
• SUGGESTION: I really do believe that this story will be more ‘powerful’ if it has a prequel. There are some parts that need in a way a support. I’m talking about the last part. How did … ended up there?
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