Wednesday, September 23, 2015
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
. Aunt Coralee: In life we often have to make decisions that aren’t easy. But it doesn’t mean they aren’t right.
Maggie: But what if they’re wrong?
Aunt Coralee: fate steps in and fixes things. You just have to trust it.
It’s not TFIOS but yeah, when you know there’s a character that is going to die, it hard not to think of it. Well, on UFN it’s not the lover that is going to die.
I think this is an another side of Abbi Glines I never seen (well in this case, read) before.
*MC’s Corner*
Note: Spoilers.
• It was very raw and honest. And it has so much angst that it’s hard not to affect me. And I think, you’re THAT numb if you don’t.
• As bad as it sounds. I just want to end his suffering, because I really do feel it. I kept on wishing please, please, please.
It’s just that I don’t want the people in our house see/hear me crying.
• It’s kinda weird that the first part was very slow paced and then... suddenly I was turning the last page.
• It’s also weird that TFIOS had a huge impact on me. UGH! Even there’s no connection or whatsoever.
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Monday, September 21, 2015
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5 Stars!
Lies. Lies. Lies.Lies. Lies.
But here’s some truth… this book is really good.
I’m impressed.
*MC’s Corner*
Note: Spoilers.
• Ha! I’m back with Project–Read–YAContemporary–Novels. *eye roll* Yes I just made that up… like a minute ago.
• I love the cover… but you have to admit… the guys there are older than the characters by much much.
• I don’t know what is wrong with me. When I read… for example, a Romance book that is written by one of my fave author sometimes I ended up disappointed. So I don’t know why I evade reading YAC… when they are this good.
• OR MAYBE, HarperCollins just happen to have an amazing collection.
• The Truth About Lies is a story of four friends grieving from the lost of their dearest friend/brother.
Sadie, Max, Grey and Gina. They are less than a month away from the one-year anniversary of Trent death. A death caused by an accident which they are all in.
What really happened that day?
• They met again… talked about that night.
That’s when they discovered the secrets, the lies and everything.
Now… they are on the ‘mission’ on making memories
ARC provided by HarperTeen (HarperCollins Publishers) & Edelweiss in exchange of honest review. Thank you!
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5 stars!!!

“The end is closer than you think, Makar.” –Warren
Cassandra Clare and Holly Black did not disappoint!
*MC’s Corner*
Note: Spoilers.
• The Copper Gauntlet is more adventurous than The Iron Trial. I liked that they went outside the Magisterium. (I know it’s against the rules.) I also this one is more fun.
• My only gripe on this book is that it’s too short… I mean much as I love it, I kinda wanted. I waited a year. Duh!
• I wish there’s more of the Copper Year thingies. I love their studies on The Iron Trial; it’s one of my favorite.
• I also love that I got to know more of the main characters, the world and wonders of Magisterium, which I think is cool.
• The last part… it was almost like the first one. You gotta step it up.
But ‘THE HEAD’ thingy, damn, that was so effing creepy as hell…
• The Copper Gauntlet did not remind me of Harry Potter any more.
And I realized that after I finished it. Kudos for that! *thumbs up*
• But the thing is this series is definitely going to be on my every year’s TO-READ list.
• And I really do wish it was longer…
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4 STARS!!!
I did not enjoyed reading Queen of Shadows that much.
Why? WHY? F***ING WHY?!
I’m still heartbroken.
Chaol & Celaena are really done. And I am so fucking done. UGH!
It’s like I want to cry over it but I am beyond pissed off.
I lost hope… I’m went in a bad mood and I really hate Aelin.
*MC’s Corner*
Note: Spoilers.
• She’s Aelin now… and well I really hate typing her name… I always get the spelling wrong.
*eye roll*
• I don’t know if it’s just me or I just really hate the idea of Chaol is being replaced. Do you guys love Aelin & Rowan romance thingy? As much I love Rowan and his thingy… *giggle*…I don’t see or feel any chemistry. I’m sorry. It’s like Jamie & Cersei Lannister. I think Sarah J Mas is trying really hard to pair the two of them. And I think I will never be okay with it.
• Well, let’s put aside my gripes. The things happened are actually good.
So many things… and I can’t wait on what is going to happen next.
DAMN! I can’t even think of a scenario that… I can be excited for the months I am going to wait for the next book. And I really love that about how it ended.
• AND #SPOILERALERT Arobyn fucking Hamel is dead! YESSS! One of the best news in FICTION WORLD. *thumbs up*
• Oh yeah! I almost forgot.
Dorian and that freaky Manon. Hmmm…
• Speaking of Dorian… and the thing happened on the previous book. The collar thingy, damn I thought he’s going to be the most evil thing and then…
I kinda wanted more of that. Yes I don’t want the collar on him but… what now?
• *fingers crossed*
I think/ the next book will be years after this one.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
And the worst part was, as much as I was falling out of love … I still loved him something terrible.
Love was a terrible thing.
Honestly, I am not satisfied AT ALL.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the book so much. But this one is full of violence, gore and etc.
I want to see the soft… softer & romantic side of Javier Bernal. I miss that… very much.
*MC’s Corner*
Note: Spoilers.
• There is this scene that I am not going to forget anytime soon. DAMN!
He made her shorter than him because she said men shorter than her is not her type.
I mean… he used a machete. O.O
It’s giving me chills.
• It was scarier than most Horror books. It’s not a Horror book but it was horrifying enough to be one. You don’t want be on Javier Bernal’s bad side.
• I hate Esteban… who doesn’t?
And then he and Luisa… *vomit* *vomit* *vomit*
• I want more… I’m not satisfied… I want a REAL ending.
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Thursday, September 3, 2015
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
When I reached the last page…
It’s so weird… I felt triumphant… successful… it’s like I accomplished something that is so big.
So cool!
It was like I was with them throughout their journey, not as reader but as a character.
*MC’s Corner*
Note: Spoilers.
• It has this “something” you are always looking on a book.
• I’m not sure if there’s going to be a sequel… but I kinda like it how it is.
I’m thinking of something that might happen if there’s a sequel… I just can’t.
The best thing about this is the “journey” to the gold rush.
• This one is a must read I recommend it to everyone. You’re going to love it as much as I did. *thumbs up.
• Reading Walk on Earth a Stranger is an experience. Don’t miss it!
• PS: In wish my ARC has a map. *grin*
• PSS: I wrote this review after I finished reading it. So I just saw on goodreads that it’s going to be a Trilogy.
ARC provided by Greenwillow Books (HarperCollins Publishers) & Edelweiss in exchange of honest review. Thank you!
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Wednesday, September 2, 2015
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
“I’m not putting myself before the whole world, John. I wanted to see a future where Setrákus Ra is killed, no matter the consequences.
I wanted to see a future where someone has the guts to do what needs to be done.”–Ellla
*MC’s Corner*
Note: Spoilers.
• I mean… I’m not a big fan of her, even if she dead it’s not that big deal for me. *shrug*
Well… just don’t make ‘him’ go berserk.
I do feel like, in some way that she is kinda hindrance to what the Garde’s mission. Its better this way.
• And then it turns out she just passed out. #notreallydead
DUH! There’s another book coming… it can’t not have a villain.
• Speaking of the next book. How many months are going to wait exactly? UGH!
Damn Pittacus Lore’s cliff–effing –hangers.
• And the war is like… starting to be real. Though I wish Pittacus Lore, the author, will make it bloodier. You know? The gorier the more fun. #BLOODTHIRSTYME
• I kinda wish that Mark had powers/Legacies too, like Sam. Lucky Sam.
• John’s Legacy–YES! I knew he’s more than just that. *thumbs up* I approved.
• *crossed fingers*
I hope that the whole gang will finally REALLY meet.
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